Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Reasons That Lead to Teenager Stress(cause and effect)

People who are under stress experience three stages.When people begin to realize stressor ,alarm reaction begins.After people realize the stressor, their organism tries to adapt the situation.They experience resistance stage, but if their organism can't adapt the stressor,their organism enters the stage of exhaustion.Many people can experience these stages , but stress affects teenagers more easily than adults.There are many reasons why teenagers are affected easily.
First,teenagers have to do some homeworks such as researc projects,writing term paper,assignments,presentations and taking many exams in order to have a good career.These are stressful events for teenagers.While they are doing homework,they need a great deal of effort.In addition to this effort ,the time is important to finish homework.If the deadline is near,they become highly stress.The other stressful thing is taking exams.Students during their life have to take many exams.These are the most worring thing for a teenager .For example,teenagers who study for university exam have to pass university exam.If they can't pass it they have to study one more year.This is vey stressful.Because of being afraid of failing exam,they feel stress during this year.They know that if they can't pass ,they have to study one more year,feel the same stress.These are very tiring experiences. They also worry about their future .As they want to have a good career , they enter this exam,but if they never win it,what are they do?These questions make them worry.
Pyschological events are also important for a teenager.These events affect them much more than other causes.What can pyschological events be?They are events such as friendships or changing their living places.While a good friendship affects people in agood way, a bad frienships affects people in a bad way.It make teenagers stress.
When a teenager has a problem ,listening to his/her problem or trying to solve his/her problem affect his/her mood positively;however , when you have a problem and if you are alone ,you can't resist the stressor .Changing places ,for example,changing a school is stressful.Changing a school means new friendships,new teachers,new exam styles.These are not easy events.
Family is inseperable part of their life and having good relationships with family make teenager progress.For example , a teenager who will take a university exam is really stressful because of this exam and parent's attitudes can make them highly stress.If the parents always say they have to study or in order to study they force them, the teenagers' life becomes unendurable.The death of a family member also affects them.Death of mother or father changes their life and the most difficult thing is living without him/her.It makes people deppressed,sad and some of them feel alone.
Stress have many causes among teenagers.As they have to pull up their socks in their homeworks or exams,they are under stress.If they have bad frienships or if they have to change their school,they become stressful.In additiıon to them,family is unforgettable.Death of family member can make them deppressed.

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